Kims Hospitals, Beside Vijaya Sales, Madinaguda



One joint that is frequently damaged is the knee. It's possible for one or more of the knee's bones to break, frequently in many pieces. Falling from a scooter is a common cause of knee fractures. If the joint is affected by a fractured bone, the fracture is more severe. If left untreated, these fractures cause the knee to become stiff and misshapen.

Basically, the goal of surgery is to carefully repair the majority of knee fractures so that the knee may be moved as soon as feasible. Achieving successful outcomes requires precise repositioning of the fracture pieces and secure fixation. To perform these procedures well, experience, OT facilities, and a range of implant options are essential.

Hip-Knee-Ankle (HKA) x-rays are unique in that they show the whole body's bony structure below the waist on a single x-ray image. This aids in determining how the patient's whole limb aligns with their standing position. This is accomplished with the use of specialized computer software that precisely measures the leg's deformity in degrees. For a surgeon to determine the extent of a deformity and the specific measures needed to repair it after surgery, HKA is essential. More than three degrees of leg deformity is dangerous because it causes the knee to deteriorate more quickly (think of it as the wear of a vehicle tire whose wheel is misaligned).

We are skilled in treating both new and old knee fractures. Frequently, many cuts are required to open these fractures. It is often necessary to approach fractures from the back of the knee, which is uncomfortable for less experienced surgeons since the back of the knee contains vital blood arteries and nerves that feed blood to the leg.

Here are a few instances of these fractures that we have treated:
Case 1: We were directed to this 30-year-old woman from Bihar, which is 700 kilometers distant. She suffered a complicated knee injury that included a dislocation of the knee and a fracture of the upper tibia. She was placed in a plaster cast since the initial treating surgeon was unable to understand the severity of the damage. She discovered she was unable to walk when the plaster was removed. An X-ray revealed that she had a subluxated knee. This occurred as a result of the injury being a mix of ligament damage and fracture.

We had her undergo surgery, which lasted four hours. She needed to be opened up from both the front and the rear of the knee. In the end, the knee was properly shaped. She had to get back on her feet for six months. She walks like a regular person nowadays.

This complicated knee injury is not very frequent. This injury was just reported by us in the Journal of the Indian Orthopaedic Association.

Case 2: In a car accident, this young guy broke the top portion of his leg bone. There were many fractures. Additionally, the front of the knee had a large wound. The patellar tendon, one of the knee's major tendons, was ruptured below. Roadside mud had heavily stained the wound.

This case was complicated because it had every potential consequence, including infection, deformity and nonunion of the fracture itself, loss of knee strength from the wounded primary knee tendon, and, lastly, knee stiffness. In addition to all of this, he is an active young man. These situations require a well-thought-out strategy including several procedures and the participation of the plastic surgery team. This young man was finally able to walk on his own two feet with only a little limp after five surgeries spread over six months.



Kims Hospitals,

Open Hours:

Mon - Sat: 9 am - 9 pm,
Sunday: 10am - 2pm.

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