Kims Hospitals, Beside Vijaya Sales, Madinaguda
One surgical procedure that is minimally invasive is knee arthroscopy. Knee arthroscopy is used by medical professionals to identify and treat a variety of knee problems. After making a little incision, the medical professional inserts a long, thin instrument that has a camera on the end of it. Your healthcare professional can diagnose your injury more accurately thanks to the camera's photographs of the interior of your knee.
Knee arthroscopy is used by medical professionals to identify and treat a variety of knee problems. A tiny camera is inserted through an incision by your healthcare professional during arthroscopic knee surgery. The interior of your knee is visible to the camera. The pictures show up on the operating room screen. They aid in your doctor's diagnosis of internal knee issues.
One extremely popular minimally invasive surgical treatment is knee arthroscopy. Less incisions are needed for minimally invasive procedures than for standard surgery. Approximately the size of a keyhole is the incision.
Your healthcare provider makes another incision to introduce tiny tools to address injuries or structural issues. They remove or restore damaged tissue using the tools.
Should nonsurgical therapy fail to alleviate your knee discomfort, your physician may suggest a knee arthroscopy. Physical therapy (PT), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), rest, and ice are examples of nonsurgical treatments. Even though osteoarthritis can be effectively treated with arthroscopic knee surgery, arthritis nevertheless causes discomfort in the knees.
To obtain a better view of the soft tissues, bones, and cartilage inside your knee, medical professionals employ arthroscopy. The process is used to diagnose many kinds of knee injury. The majority of these injuries impact your knee joint's ligaments and cartilage.
Knee injuries are a typical occurrence among athletes, even teenagers. These can occur in activities that involve contact and jumping, like volleyball.
Diagnose injuries: Your doctor closely examines any sore or swollen regions during a knee arthroscopy. Images of broken bones and soft tissues are captured by the camera. The pictures aid in the diagnosis (or confirmation) of injuries and the planning of therapy by your healthcare practitioner.
Mend broken soft tissues and bones: Your healthcare professional will use specially made instruments if you require surgery to mend tendons, ligaments, or cartilage. Your healthcare provider will be guided during the process by the real-time visuals displayed by the camera. Your healthcare professional will sew together soft tissues to reconstruct and repair them using microscopic instruments. They are also capable of sewing bones together.
Eliminate irritated or damaged tissue: Your doctor uses a few tiny instruments to remove broken bone.
Soft tissue injuries: Ligaments, which join bones together, and tendons, which join muscles to bones, are examples of soft tissues. Bursitis, torn meniscus, patellar tendonitis, anterior cruciate ligament tears (ACL tears), and medial collateral ligament tears (MCL tears) are a few of the most frequent knee injuries.
Fracture: The interior of your knee may have broken or chipped bones. When a bone breaks, cartilage—a rubbery substance that facilitates smooth bone movement—can occasionally break off.
Inflammation: An inflammatory reaction can cause swelling and irritation of the synovium inside a joint. Soft tissue called synovium lines the inside of joints. Physicians refer to this ailment as synovitis.
Recovery times from minimally invasive surgeries, such as knee arthroscopies, are typically shorter than those from standard (open) surgery. Compared to standard surgery, you have a better chance of recovering faster because you just require a few tiny sutures. In addition, you might experience less discomfort and an infection.
Rarely can knee arthroscopy complications arise. Knee arthroscopy carries the same risks as any other operation, including bleeding and infection.
Following the process, a few individuals have:> Blood clots.
> Knee stiffness.
> Swelling that results from blood pooling in the knee (this complication is uncommon).
Call our healthcare provider if you have:
> Bleeding.
> Signs of infection, including fever, severe swelling or drainage (pus) from the incisions.
> Pain that’s severe or doesn’t go away with pain relief medications.
Dr. Arun Reddy Orthopedic Hospital specializes in knee arthroscopy, a common minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat various knee conditions. Arthroscopy allows for precise examination and treatment of the knee joint using a small camera and specialized instruments inserted through tiny incisions. This technique results in faster recovery, less pain, and minimal scarring compared to traditional open surgery. With Dr. Arun Reddy's expertise, patients can expect personalized care and optimal outcomes for their knee problems.
Kims Hospitals,
Mon - Sat: 9 am - 9 pm,
Sunday: 10am - 2pm.
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